
Big dreams grow from small seeds!

It was autumn! Not here in India, but in the USA.

A thought, a very deep thought was striking his mind.

He did get no definition when he’d recalled why he was there alone leaving his family and children.

“Why am I here, what do I do, am I carrying out the thing for which I came here… or am I keep repeating or keep doing things, committing the same mistakes in life again and again?”.

So many interrogations were hitting him continually, just like the waves hitting the shore.

He’d grown as a person with neither self intelligence nor self-thoughts.

He fears for everything, every small or big thing.

Basically, he was a Philomath who had built his own world just reading literature.

Being a passionate writer, made him work as a Vikatan student reporter during his college days

He also had a wish to become a filmmaker, but his fright and instability, made his dream unhappen, as he couldn’t gel with the people around him due to his timid nature

Later, exploring software technologies, learning-related stuff, and a long struggle, placed him at a job. Though he had established his identity through his untiring work, he felt incompleteness in his life

His moral sense kept instilling him to do something for his society…

Years rolled and now when he looks back, he could see leaves withering from a tall standing tree and at the same time, a seed being sown in his mind, and he believes that it will nurture out to fulfill his dreams

There are a few filmmakers who give their debut from their experience and so, his case either.

His question, “why not to intellectualize today’s generation, which I didn’t get through my studies or job?” has led to the inception of “CAREER MUDHRA”.

PS: The “He” is referred to me here! 🙂

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