Hi, Are you a business owner? Are you tired of spending a lot of money on your digital marketing advertisement without getting any leads or conversions? Nothing to worry. We, at Realms Inc- A Digital Marketing Company – are there to help you out. We are around 20 years of industrial experience and almost 5 […]
Where is My Customer? – By Srinivasan Ramanujam This E-Book contains about my Entrepreneurial experience starting from the year 2017 and I have explained in detail how did I come into the business and what was the challenges that I have been faced all these years and how did I overcome and still how do […]
What is a T Shaped Marketer? If you’ve never heard of a t-shaped marketer, you might think I just made it up. But, we swear—it’s a thing. And it’s a pretty big deal. The reason being a t-shaped marketer is something all expert marketers strive for is because it allows them to do more as a marketer. […]